Saturday, July 31, 2004

Seinfeld and Superman... haha... I think this is really funny, nicely written. =p

So... less than two weeks until my "get into shape" deadline! But it hasn't been that bad -- despite not shedding as much volume as I would have liked, it's been great to increase my strength and endurance in the pool. Hopefully any increase in swimming endurance will transfer to endurance in running for our double-header Ultimate frisbee game on Monday! Patty and I have also been trying to teach ourselves the butterfly stroke... too bad learning to swim isn't that easy from the internet, but I thought this site was pretty cool and helpful [so *that*'s how you breathe!]

The Prayer of Jabez - 1 Chronicles 4:10
And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying,
"Oh, that You would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my territory,
that Your hand would be with me,
and that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain!"
And God granted him what he requested.

I finally bought and read this book. When it first came out a few years ago (and was free off the 'net =P), I must say I was pretty skeptical about it. I didn't see how anyone could take four simple verses and stretch it out to suggest a new attitude or a new faith. But that demonstrates how much faith I lacked at the time, as well as how much I looked to myself to accomplish what I wanted to do.

I highly recommend this book to anyone truly seeking to stretch your faith. It is inspirational and really gave me motivation to trust God to provide in *all aspects*, no matter how big. There really isn't anything that God cannot do, however, the idea that "anything is possible" has always been a difficult-to-grasp concept for me. But this book really demonstrated the power of asking God for amazing blessings, including making use of my most scarce resource: time. And really, the point is not to figure out or understand God, which is something I often try to do, but just to have faith -- even though I constantly say I strive to have faith -- it is evident from reading this book that I have a long way to go. But since God is always faithful, His hand is with me every step of the way. Faith....

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