one down... four more assignments to go...
oh motivation, wherefore art thou, motivation...?
Not having any motivation to start writing up my assignment any earlier, I only started to assemble my thoughts at around midnight last night. And being the person of principle that I *am* (=p) I do not allow myself to complete an assignment (or study for a midterm, etc.) on the day of. That is, I must finish the assignment / finish studying before I go to bed... So I knew it was going to be a long night...
4:30 rolls around when all of a sudden... zap... power goes out, I lose everything since my last save (which, thank goodness, wasn't very much), but I had no power to complete the assignment...
Amusingly, my housemate, b.p., realizes that there was absolutely nothing else left to do and finally decided to go to bed.
I, on the other hand, proceeded to pack my bag to head for campus, where I planned to stay until class this morning... well, there was a change of plans and I ended up in the comfort of my friend's house [5:30 am: "Hello? Can I come over?" "Huh...mmm-hmmm"] and was able to squeeze in two naps somewhere in there before class... but... the stuff that I get myself into... [sigh] [tsee gei lo lay...] =p
The funny thing was, this morning in class, my friends complained about the power outage, and one told us that the power only came back on at 6am. Of course, the scary thing is that we were all up at that time... haha...
Until next time, this is Gladys Yam.
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