Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

My family was never *really* traditional, and I never realized what a big deal this celebration was... but I guess it's the Chinese equivalent of Thanksgiving in that it emphasizes a time to spend with family. Except that there are no parades or fireworks for Thanksgiving, even though it *is* a holiday.

My family decided to postpone our Mid-Autumn Festival dinner because (a) it was impossible to get everyone together tonight anyway, and (b) my parent's anniversary is two days after Mid-Autumn Festival in the lunar calendar, so we decided to have it on Thursday. That's fine... I booked up the night for family. Except that the "limiting factor" is actually my mom! So it is dinner at 9pm then... normal enough for us Yams. =p

Until next time this is Gladys Yam.

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