Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A poem that one of our students wrote for us -- really meaningful!


































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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Hello! Finally, Anita and I have arrived in Hong Kong after about 24 hours of travelling. I got to my aunt's at 12:30am or so... and as a late night snack, just *had* to have fish balls noodles!

It's so weird to travel; you just eat, sleep, eat, eat, sleep... continuously. We had delays in Toronto and in Beijing, but thank goodness there were no missed connections.

The weather here isn't too hot -- it's been raining nonstop for the past three days -- which makes the weather cool, but really really wet and humid.

Well, just looking forward to meeting up with friends for the next couple of days, and spending quiet time working on our lectures, which we *did* talk about on our flights! Unfortunately, instead of having a "working" leg, all of our flight legs turned into sleeping legs. =p

Until next time, this is Gladys Yam.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I passed CFA!!! Thank God for that! I was quite worried about this one because I had no idea. I felt okay coming out of the exam; of course, I felt okay coming out of it the first time through too.

I get home at about midnight and my parents are going out... to go to the 24-hour Sobey's 15 minutes from our house (I think it's rather far)... just to go grocery shopping... at midnight. I love my family... haha...

Until next time, this is Gladys Yam.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Part of the reason of my split upbeat / solemn post on my birthday is because of an accident that happened to one of my UW Accounting classmates this week, Bonnie Ho.

No doubt, this incident has shaken many people, including many of my classmates, who may have never experienced any "young" deaths until now [she was 26]. Although most of my friends and I were not really close to Bonnie, it was inevitable to think about the past few years and about whichever encounters we had. It is very sad. Bonnie was a really nice person, very intelligent and diligent... I suppose like the rest of our class in general. =p

A bunch of my closer classmates and I went to the funeral this morning. The turnout from our class was tremendous; unfortunately it is sad that we are only brought together by this sad incident. Other than being a painful loss for her parents and sisters, she was going to be married to Jason, another classmate, in 6 weeks. I think that's the saddest part...

However, despite the grief, it is a solace to know that she is now with our Father in heaven. The funeral was a Catholic one, and even though I found the service overly solemn and monotonous, the message was clear:

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in ALLLLLLLLLLLL creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." -- Romans 8:38-39.

[Probably my favourite verse. Of course, I must write the verse as I would say it; too bad I can't *really* write in the hand movement. =p ]

It is my prayer that those, especially in my class, who do not know Jesus will consider... that there is much more to this life, to this world... what is a >$100K job, when you can't bring the money anywhere? [And if you have to work so much you can't spend it anyway. =p]

It *was* joyous to see that a large number of classmates do know the Lord as they lined up for communion... but there is still much work to be done. God is sovereign -- as he has created, so he can take away. Man can only control so much...

Bonnie, may you enjoy the riches in heaven; until we meet again.
Jason, all of our prayers go out to you; may you be comforted as your mourn, and may you also one day meet us in heaven.


On a more upbeat note though, after the funeral, Joyce and I went to Bally's for some exercise. It felt GREAT to swim again! Having missed *all* of my ultimate games this summer season, I have not exercised in a very long time! It was quite apparent last month in Yosemite walking on the trails... I couldn't believe how out of shape I already was at that time.

After our workout, I rushed home to shower in time for our "high tea" appointment! Thanks to Joyce, our social co-ordinator, we try to have a get-together every month. Windsor Arms was a great place... I highly recommend it! Better than the King Edward!

I was REALLY looking forward to this Saturday, to spend time with girls! Haha... it is so refreshing to laugh and joke, to catch up, to joke about guys ;) and (we do!) talk about other serious stuff. Especially, given the turn of events this week. Eva and Teresa also both work for PwC, Eva in the same office as Bonnie... I pray that one of the last ones of our circle will know Jesus. I'm happy that there have been some chances to share.

After eating a lot of desserts and an additional quarter of a cake (!!) [I *was* surprised...] we went to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was hilarious! Very well done! Go watch it! =)

Poor Teresa had a ridiculously early inventory count to do today, so she was beat... Joyce, Eva, and I went back uptown to [Hui Lau Saan], aka "the mango place" to the CBC world. ;) Bumped into some CCF-ers and some other classmates... I'm really thankful for these communities. =) Especially amazing how news among my classmates travelled really fast... I'm really happy to see this support among us, something that I never really felt before.

All in all, a packed day... very thankful for all of those around me, whether physically or through the cyberworld. ;)

Until next time, this is Gladys Yam.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Thank you thank you thank you!

This day is always a reminder of God's abundant gifts every single year... and counting!

Something cool that my mom got from one of her clients, I'll see where we can hang it up in our house:

Unfortunately, while I'm celebrating my birthday, many others are not in such joyous occasions... this verse is quite fitting for the times, then [the Korean one]:

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me."
-- John 14:1

Until next time, this is Gladys Yam.